Extraction Settings
This page contains an overview of the extraction settings in the OData extraction type.
To open the extraction settings, click Extraction Settings in the main window of the extraction type.
Extraction Settings
Package Size
The extracted data is split into packages of the defined size. The default value is 50000 lines.
A package size between 20000 and 50000 is advisable for large amounts of data. 0 means no packaging.
Not using packaging can lead to an RFC timeout for large data extractions.
RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE - No more storage space available for extending an internal table
To avoid a memory overflow on the SAP source system and to avoid huge overheads, choose a package size that suits your memory capacity.
Row Limit
Specifies the maximum number of extracted records. 0 extracts all data. You can use this option to perform tests with a small amount of data by entering a row limit of e.g., 1000.