Extraction Parameters
The Board Connector Designer can run extractions by passing parameters that define how data is extracted from the source.
The following categories of extraction parameters are available:
- Extraction parameters affect the extraction and destination settings.
- Source parameters affect the SAP connection settings.
- Custom parameters correspond to the user-defined runtime parameters of an extraction.
The parameters can be accessed in the "Run Extraction" window.
To open the "Run Extraction" window, select an extraction from the list of extractions and click [Run].
For more information, see Run Extractions.
The number of available parameters depends on the extraction type and destination.
Example: decimalSeparator is a parameter specific to CSV destinations.
Parameter | Description | Information |
clearBuffer | Clears/Keeps the result buffer | Default value is false |
preview | Enables/Disables the preview mode | Default value is false |
source | Selects the SAP source system from which data is extracted (e.g., SAP_DEV and SAP_PROD). Applies only if more than one SAP system is used. | - |
destination | Selects the destination to which extraction is written (e.g., db_1 and db_2). Applies only if more than one destination is used. | - |
rows | Sets the maximum number of rows to be extracted | Available for Table |
whereClause | Sets a WHERE clause. SAP system variables are applicable. | Available for Table |
packageSize | Sets the package size | Available for Table |
updateMode | Sets the update mode to use for the run: Full, Delta, Recovery | Available for ODP |
subscriptionSuffix | Suffix to use multiple inits on a single SAP system | Available for ODP |
extractDataOnDeltaInit | Extracts data if request is delta init | Available for ODP |
hierarchyName | The name of the hierarchy to extract | Available for ODP, DeltaQ & Hierarchy |
representation | The representation / output format of the hierarchy to extract: "ParentChild", "Natural" or "ParentChildWithNodeNames" | Available for Hierarchy |
dateTo | The valid-to-date of the hierarchy to extract in the format YYYYMMDD | Available for Hierarchy |
variant | Name of a variant | Available for Report & SAP Query |
batchJobName | Name of the Batch Job | Available for Report |
gatwewayHost | Gateway Host | Available for DeltaQ |
gatewayService | Gateway Service | Available for DeltaQ |
programID | Program ID | Available for DeltaQ |
logicalDestination | Logical Destination | Available for DeltaQ |
requestID | Request ID (for Repair Request only) | Available for DeltaQ |
updateType | Sets the update mode to use for the run: F (Full), C (Delta Init), S (Init no data), D (Delta Update), R (Repeat) | Available for DeltaQ |
decimalSeparator | Sets a symbol between integer and fractional part | Available for CSV destinations |
columnSeparator | Sets a symbol which indicates the start of a new column | Available for CSV destinations |
- Select the checkbox of the parameter you want to override.
- Enter the value and confirm by pressing enter.
- Extraction URL before changing the parameter:
- Extraction URL after editing the parameter source (name of the SAP source system):
- Extraction URL before changing the parameter:
The connection settings to an SAP source can be changed dynamically. In the Source tab you can override the values that are defined in SAP source details.
Parameter name | Parameter description |
lang | Changes the logon language of the SAP source system |
logonTicket | Changes the ticket issuer of the SAP logon ticket |
The parameter logonTicket can only be set if SAP logon ticket is selected as the authentication method in SAP source details.
- Select the checkbox of the parameter you want to override.
- Enter the value and confirm by pressing enter.
- Extraction URL before changing the parameter:
- Extraction URL after editing the parameter lang (language setting for the SAP source system):
- Extraction URL before changing the parameter:
The tab Custom is only active when user-defined runtime parameters are available.
Check the checkbox and enter a new value to set the user defined parameter.
- Select the checkbox of the parameter you want to override.
- Enter the value and confirm by pressing enter.
- Extraction URL before changing the parameter:
- Extraction URL after editing the parameter myParameter (name of a runtime parameter):
- Extraction URL before changing the parameter: