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Server Settings

This page contains an overview of the server settings of Board Connector. To open the server settings, navigate to [Server] > [Settings] in the main window of the Designer.



The settings are stored in the following directory: C:\Program Files\BOARDConnector\config\server (by default).

Configuration Server

The configuration server communicates with the Board Connector Designer.



Defines the port number for communication between Server and Designer. The default is 8096. If you set a different port, add the new port number to the host name on the logon screen ([host name]:[port]).

Max. age of log files (days)

Defines the maximum age of the config server log files in days. After this period the log files are deleted.

Authentication methods

Defines the authentication methods that are available when connecting a Designer to the Board Connector Server. For more information, see Authentication Between Designer and Server.

Select X.509 certificate

Select an X.509 certificate that is used for for transport encryption and authentication, when custom users connect a Designer to the Server. For more information, see Install an X.509 certificate.

Access Management

Defines which users and user groups have access to the Designer. For more information, see Access Management.

Web Server

The web server accepts extraction calls via HTTP(S).



Protocol Description
HTTP - Unrestricted Runs extractions as an HTTP-URL.
HTTPS - Unrestricted Runs extractions as an HTTPS-URL. This enables secure data transfer via HTTPS.
HTTPS - Restricted to AD users with Designer read access This setting enables an additional access control for running an extraction. Extractions can only be executed by Windows AD users with at least a read permission (Read) in the Configuration Server tab. For more information, see Restrict Access to Windows AD Users (Kerberos Authentication).
HTTPS - Restricted to custom users with Designer read access This setting enables an additional access control for running an extraction. Extractions can only be executed by custom users with at least a read permission (Read) in the Configuration Server tab. For more information, see Restrict Access to Custom Users (Basic Authentication).


To receive data via HTTPS, the installation of a TLS certificate is required on the server that runs the Board Connector service.


Defines the port number, on which the Server receives HTTP requests of an extraction.


Defines the port number, on which the Server receives HTTPS requests of an extraction.

Select X.509 certificate

Select an X.509 certificate that is used for for transport encryption and authentication, when running extractions. For more information, see Install an X.509 certificate.

Keep log files (days)

Defines the maximum age of the web server log files in days. After this period the log files are deleted.

Enable setup distribution for clients

Defines whether the setup of the product version that runs on the server needs to be downloaded. When an older Designer version is connected to a newer Server version, you are be prompted to download and update the Designer with the product version.

Result cache

Option Description
Target directory Sets the directory for the buffer files. The default directory is the result-cache folder in the installation directory, e.g., C:\Program Files\BOARDConnector\result-cache.
Max. cached runs Defines the maximum count of results of different extractions in the buffer.
Max. age (minutes) Defines the maximum age in minutes of an extraction in the buffer.

Last update: June 25, 2024