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This page shows how to migrate the Board Connector configuration from one machine to another.


  • Create a backup of the config folder that is located in the installation directory of the current machine, e.g., C:\Program Files\BOARDConnector\config.
  • Make sure that the same version of Board Connector is installed on both machines.


To install a matching version of Board Connector on the new machine, use the BOARDConnectorSetup.exe from the installation directory of the current machine, e.g., in C:\Program Files\BOARDConnector.

Migration to a Different Machine

The Board Connector configuration can be migrated entirely (full migration) or partially.

  • Conduct a full migration when replacing a machine completely.
    For a full migration, restore the entire config and private folders from your backup on the new machine (full migration).
  • Conduct a partial migration when moving parts of your setup to a different machine, e.g., if you transport defined extractions types from a test environment to a production environment.
    For a partial migration, restore the parts of the backup you want to migrate by copying only the relevant configuration files, e.g., the sources or extractions folder, on the new machine.

Restart the Board Connector Service if you copy the server folder to the new machine.


When migrating to a new server, a new license file must be issued for that server. Contact our sales team at for more information.

Configuration Files

All configuration files of defined extractions types, sources and the server are stored in the sub-directory config of the Board Connector installation directory, e.g., C:\Program Files\BOARDConnector\config. Use the config directory to set up a version control system or to create manual backups.

Filename Description
Directory containing the defined extractions types. Each sub-directory contains an extraction of the same name.
Directory containing the server settings.
Directory containing SAP connections. Each sub-directory contains a source of the same name.
Text file containing the product version of the current configuration, see Installation.

Last update: June 9, 2024