Initial Table Load in SAP Versions < 7.10
The following article shows how to handle the initial table load for delta extractions using the Table CDC extraction type. The article applies in the following situation:
- The Table CDC extraction type is run on SAP releases < 7.10
- The option Extract table on first run (Delta initialization) is activated.
- The delta initialization takes longer than the maximum processing time specified in the SAP profile parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time.
- The extraction aborts with an error message, e.g.,
ERPConnect.ABAPRuntimeException: RfcInvoke failed(RFC_ABAP_RUNTIME_FAILURE): TIME_OUT - Time limit exceeded
The custom function module /THEO/READ_TABLE used by the Table CDC component to extract the table does not support background mode on SAP releases < 7.10. The background mode avoids the timeout mentioned above.
Recommended Workflow
- Create a Table CDC extraction. Make sure the option Extract table on first run is deactivated.
- Run the Table CDC extraction to initialize the delta extractions. This ensures that no data is missed between table extraction and delta initialization.
- Create a regular Table extraction using the Table extraction type.
Make sure to select an SAP standard function module, e.g., RFC_READ_TABLE.
- Run the Table extraction.
Related Links
- Documentation: Define the TableCDC Extraction Type.
- Documentation: Define the Table Extraction Type.
- Documentation: Table Extraction Settings - Function modules and Background Jobs
Last update:
June 17, 2024