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Execute Queries

The following sample shows how to fetch data from an SAP Query using ERPConnect.


If you don't know the technical name of a Query parameter, you can look it up in your SAP-System. Use the transaction SQ01 or SQ02 to search a Query. Open the description of the Query and scroll to the section Selections. All parameter properties including the name are listed.

Call Queries

  1. Connect to the SAP system using R3Connection.
  2. Create a query object using CreateQuery. Each SAP query is defined by three descriptors:
    • the user workspace (local or global)
    • the user group
    • the name of the query
  3. Define the parameters of the query. Every parameter has a distinctly technical name that can be looked up in the SAP.
    Example: To create a selection criteria, access the parameter's range collection via the indexer and add a new range using Add. An individual range is defined by three descriptors:
    • a sign (include or exclude)
    • an operator (e.g. equals for parity)
    • a low or high value (LowValue and HighValue or only LowValue when using parity).
  4. Execute the query using Execute.
  5. The query returns a table of the DataTable type. Access the result table using Result attribute.
Fetch Data from SAP Query D3
private void btnFetchQueryData_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      using (R3Connection con = new R3Connection("SAPServer", 00, "SAPUser", "Password", "EN", "800"))

           // Create Query object Query q; 
               Query q = con.CreateQuery(WorkSpace.GlobalArea, "BT", "D3");

               // Add a criteria (in this case the airline) 
                   Sign.Include, RangeOption.Equals, inputAirline.Text);
               // Add a second criteria (in this case the date) 
                   Sign.Include, RangeOption.Between, inputStartDate.Text, inputEndDate.Text);

               // Run the Query 
               // Bind result to datagrid 
               this.dataGridView1.DataSource = q.Result;
           catch (Exception e1)

Last update: January 30, 2024