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Namespace: ERPConnect
Assembly: ERPConnectStandard20.dll

public enum AbapType


ByteSequence = 6

Uninterpreted byte sequence, 1 - 65,535 bytes (ABAP type x, DDIC type RAW, LRAW)

ByteSequenceOfVariableLength = 12

Uninterpreted byte sequence, variable length (ABAP type xstring, DDIC type RAWSTRING)

CharacterString = 7

Character string, 1 - 65,535 characters (ABAP type c, DDIC type CHAR, LCHAR)

CharacterStringOfVariableLength = 13

Character string, variable length (ABAP type string, DDIC type STRING, SSTRING)

Date = 9

Date field (yyyyMMdd), 8 characters (ABAP type d, DDIC type DATS, DATN) Uses Julian calendar for dates before 1582-10-15.

DecimalFloatingPoint16 = 14

Decimal floating point number with 16 places (ABAP type decfloat16, DDIC type DECFLOAT16, DF16_DEC, DF16_RAW)

DecimalFloatingPoint34 = 15

Decimal floating point number with 34 places (ABAP type decfloat34, DDIC type DECFLOAT34, DF34_DEC, DF34_RAW)

DecimalTimeStampSeconds = 17

Timestamp accurate to seconds, stored as ERPConnect.AbapType.PackedNumber, 15 digits, 0 decimals (DDIC data element TIMESTAMP). Uses Julian calendar for dates before 1582-10-15.

DecimalTimeStampTicks = 18

Timestamp accurate to ticks (100 nanoseconds), stored as ERPConnect.AbapType.PackedNumber, 21 digits, 7 decimals (DDIC data element TIMESTAMPL). Uses Julian calendar for dates before 1582-10-15.

EightByteInteger = 4

Signed integer, 8 bytes (ABAP type int8, DDIC type INT8)

FloatingPoint = 5

Floating point number, 8 bytes (ABAP type f, DDIC type FLTP)

FourByteInteger = 3

Signed integer, 4 bytes (ABAP type i, DDIC type INT4)

GeometryEwkb = 20

Geometric data in extended well-known binary representation (DDIC type GEOM_EWKB).

NativeTimeStamp = 16

Timestamp accurate to ticks (100 nanoseconds), internally stored as ERPConnect.AbapType.EightByteInteger (ABAP type utclong, DDIC type UTCLONG). Uses Julian calendar for dates before 1582-10-15.

None = 0

ABAP type undefined

NumericCharacterString = 8

Character string (only digits), 1 - 65,535 characters (ABAP type n, DDIC type NUMC)

OneByteInteger = 1

Unsigned integer, 1 byte (ABAP type b, DDIC type INT1)

PackedNumber = 11

Packed number (decimal representation), 1 - 16 bytes (ABAP type p, DDIC type DEC, QUAN, CURR)

PostingPeriod = 19

Posting period (yyyyMM), 6 characters (ABAP type n, DDIC type ACCP).

Time = 10

Time field (HHmmss), 6 characters (ABAP type t, DDIC type TIMS, TIMN)

TwoByteInteger = 2

Signed integer, 2 bytes (ABAP type s, DDIC type INT2)

Last update: January 10, 2024