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Get an Equipment List

This sample shows how to get a (filtered) equipment list using the function module BAPI_EQUI_GETLIST.


To get an equipment list you can use the function module BAPI_EQUI_GETLIST or the business object method PieceOfEquipment.GetList.

The function module offers selection ranges to filter the equipment. This sample shows how to use selection ranges for plants. Selection ranges use the following properties:

  • SIGN defines whether to include or exclude the defined selection.
  • OPTION defines the operator.
  • The columns LOW and HIGH define the filter values.


The following sample code queries an equipment list of all plants between 1000 and 2000 and all equipment of plant 3000.

using System;
using ERPConnect;

// Set your ERPConnect license

using var connection = new R3Connection(
    host: "",
    systemNumber: 00,
    userName: "user",
    password: "passwd",
    language: "EN",
    client: "001")
    Protocol = ClientProtocol.NWRFC,


// Create a function object
// Alternatively the business object method can be created via 
// BusinessObjectMethod businessMethod = connection.CreateBapi("PieceOfEquipment", "GetList")
RFCFunction func = connection.CreateFunction("BAPI_EQUI_GETLIST");

// The table MAINTPLANT_RA contains a selection range for plants
RFCStructure NewRow = func.Tables["MAINTPLANT_RA"].Rows.Add();
NewRow["SIGN"] = "I"; // Include
NewRow["OPTION"] = "EQ"; // Equals
NewRow["LOW"] = "3000"; // Low value -> Plant 3000
// create a scond range row
NewRow = func.Tables["MAINTPLANT_RA"].Rows.Add();
NewRow["SIGN"] = "I"; // Include
NewRow["OPTION"] = "BT"; // Between
NewRow["LOW"] = "1000"; // Low value -> Plant 1000
NewRow["HIGH"] = "2000"; // High value -> Plant 2000


// print out equipment list
Console.WriteLine("Found " + func.Tables["EQUIPMENT_LIST"].Rows.Count.ToString() + " equipment rows");

foreach(RFCStructure row in func.Tables["EQUIPMENT_LIST"].Rows)
    Console.WriteLine("EQUIPMENT / DESCRIPT: " + 
        row["EQUIPMENT"].ToString() + " / " + row["DESCRIPT"].ToString());

Last update: January 2, 2024