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Implement a connection pool

This sample shows how to implement a connection pool for SAP connections.


In some situations it can be useful to use a connection pool. This means that several processes or threads use a set of SAP connections together, e.g., in a web application: 30 users work with an application but there are only 10 concurrent connections to SAP. Everytime an application process needs a connection a free connection is allocated by the pool. After having used the connection it is freed by the process and can be used by another one.


Before the ConnectionPool class can be used, the R3Connection class must be extended by inheriting it.
The two new properties LastUsage and IsInUse are used later.

Extend R3Connection Class
class R3ConnectionEx : ERPConnect.R3Connection
    private DateTime _LastUsage = DateTime.Now;
    public DateTime LastUsage
        get { return _LastUsage; }
        set { _LastUsage = value; }

    private bool _IsInUse = false;
    public bool IsInUse
        get { return _IsInUse; }
        set { _IsInUse = value; }

The ConnectionPool Class

The following sample code shows how to use the methods of the ConnectionPool class.

In the constructor of the class a timer is initialized.
The timer is responsible for closing connections that are not used for a certain period of time.

class R3ConnectionPool

    private System.Timers.Timer MyTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
    public R3ConnectionPool()
        // When this static class is created
        // initialize the timer and handle elapsed event
        MyTimer.Interval = 1000;
        MyTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(MyTimer_Elapsed);
        MyTimer.Enabled = true;

    private Int32 _MaxNoOfConnection = 10;
    public Int32 MaxNoOfConnection
        get { return _MaxNoOfConnection; }
        set { _MaxNoOfConnection = value; }

    private string _ConnectionString = "";
    public string ConnectionString
        set { _ConnectionString = value; }

    public Int32 CurrentNumberOfConnection
        get { return MyConnectionList.Count; }

The generic list MyConnectionList holds all active connections.
When the last usage was more than 60 seconds ago and it is not currently in use, the connection is closed and removed from the list.

private System.Collections.Generic.List
    MyConnectionList = new System.Collections.Generic.List();

private void MyTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
    // Loop through the list
    // and check, if a connection is not used for more than 60 second,
    // if so, close it an remove it from the list
    lock (MyConnectionList)
        foreach (R3ConnectionEx con in MyConnectionList)
            if (!con.IsInUse && con.LastUsage.AddSeconds(60) < DateTime.Now)

The two private functions AllocConnection() and FreeConnection() are for allocating and deallocating connections.
If there is no free connection available a new connection is created and added to the connection list.

private R3ConnectionEx AllocConnection()
    lock (MyConnectionList)
        foreach (R3ConnectionEx con in MyConnectionList)
            if (!con.IsInUse)
                con.IsInUse = true;
                return con;

        if (MyConnectionList.Count < this.MaxNoOfConnection)
            R3ConnectionEx con = new R3ConnectionEx();
            con.IsInUse = true;
            return con;

        if (MyConnectionList.Count >= this.MaxNoOfConnection)
            throw new Exception("Maximun Number of connection exceeded");
            throw new Exception("Unable to allocate a new connection");

private void FreeConnection(R3ConnectionEx con)
    con.LastUsage = DateTime.Now;
    con.IsInUse = false;

Without the pool you would call CreateFunction() directly, e.g., con.CreateFunction(). When using the new pool class the CreateFunction() method is called by the pool after having allocated a connection dynamically.
The RFCFunction object is cashed with the help of XML serialization and deserialization. This avoids retrieving the function's meta data from SAP every time CreateFunction() is called.

private Hashtable FunctionHash = new Hashtable();
public RFCFunction CreateFunction(string FunctionName)

    lock (FunctionHash)
        string xml = (string)FunctionHash[FunctionName];

        if (xml == null)
            // The function has not been created yet in this pool
            R3ConnectionEx con = this.AllocConnection();
                RFCFunction func = con.CreateFunction(FunctionName);
                // store in hash for later use
                FunctionHash.Add(FunctionName, func.SaveToXML());
                return func;
            catch (Exception e1)
                // Check if connection is still alive
                // if not, remove it
                if (!con.Ping())
                // rethrow exception
                throw e1;

            // We can create the function object without calling the CreateFunction method
            RFCFunction func = new RFCFunction(FunctionName);
            return func;

The execution of the function uses the same principle as CreateFunction():

  • Allocate connection
  • Execute
  • Deallocate
public void ExecuteFunction(RFCFunction func)
    R3ConnectionEx con = this.AllocConnection();
        func.Connection = (R3Connection)con;

    catch (Exception e1)
        // Check if connection is still alive
        // if not, remove it
        if (!con.Ping())
        // rethrow exception
        throw e1;


Test the connection pool

The following console program shows how to test and apply the connection pool class.

How it works:

  • First 3 separate threads are started.
  • After pressing [Enter] 3 more threads are started.
  • The timer shows the current number of active connections.
  • Depending on how many threads have already finished after the new ones have been started, the connections are recycled or newly connected.

The output shows:

  • 3 threads are started
  • 2 have finished
  • 3 news threads are started
  • Result: 4 active SAP connections, because after 2 have finished only 1 more is needed.


Source code of the sample program:

Use a Connection Pool
class Program
    static R3ConnectionPool ConPool = new R3ConnectionPool();
    static System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();

    static void Main(string[] args)
        timer.Interval = 1500;
        timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed);
        timer.Enabled = true;

        ConPool.ConnectionString = "USER=Theobald LANG=DE CLIENT=XXX SYSNR=XX ASHOST=XXX PASSWD=XXX ";


        Console.WriteLine("3 threads started. Press enter to start 3 more threads");

        Start3Threads("A*", "B*", "C*");

        Console.WriteLine("3 additional threads started. Press enter to quit.");


    static void Start3Threads(string SearchKey1, string SearchKey2, string SearchKey3)
        System.Threading.Thread t4 = new System.Threading.Thread(
          new System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(Execut eALongRunningFunctionModule));
        t4.Name = SearchKey1; t4.Start(SearchKey1);
        System.Threading.Thread t5 = new System.Threading.Thread(
           new System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(Execut eALongRunningFunctionModule));
        t5.Name = SearchKey2; t5.Start(SearchKey2);
        System.Threading.Thread t6 = new System.Threading.Thread(
           new System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(Execut eALongRunningFunctionModule));
        t6.Name = SearchKey3; t6.Start(SearchKey3);

    static void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Current Number of connections: " + ConPool.CurrentNumberOfConnection);

    static void ExecuteALongRunningFunctionModule(object SearchTerm)
        RFCFunction func = ConPool.CreateFunction("BAPI_EMPLOYEE_GETLIST");

        func.Exports["SUR_NAME_SEARK"].ParamValue = SearchTerm.ToString();
        func.Exports["SEARCH_DATE"].ParamValue = "20070101";

        ConPool.Execut eFunction(func);


            + " rows received -> SearchKey: " + System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name);



Last update: January 9, 2024