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Transfer data packets with ReadTable

This sample shows how to use the data packaging mechanism of the ReadTable class.


Table extractions have a limit of table rows that can be extracted at once (between 100,000 and 1,000,000 depending on the system). To avoid this limitation, the ReadTable class offers a packaging mechanism to extract a huge number of table rows.


The SAP standard function module RFC_READ_TABLE is not suited for mass data extraction.

Set Up Data Packaging

Follow the steps below to set up data packaging:

  1. Set the ReadTable property PackageSize to a value greater than 0 to enable packaging.
  2. Set the ReadTable property RaiseIncomingPackageEvent to true to raise an event IncomingPackage when a new data packet is processed.
  3. Implement the IncomingPackage event to process each data packet. The packet is provided as a Datatable object.
Table MKPF
using System;
using System.Data;
using ERPConnect;
using ERPConnect.Utils;

// Set your ERPConnect license

using (R3Connection con = new R3Connection())
    con.UserName = "SAPUser";
    con.Password = "SAPPassword";
    con.Language = "EN";
    con.Client = "800";
    con.Host = "";
    con.SystemNumber = 00;
    con.Protocol = ClientProtocol.NWRFC; //use ClientProtocol.RFC for classic RFC library


var read = new ReadTable(con)
    PackageSize = 10000,
    RaiseIncomingPackageEvent = true,
    TableName = "MKPF"

read.IncomingPackage += OnIncomingPackage;


Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit");

static void OnIncomingPackage(ReadTable sender, DataTable packageResult)
    Console.WriteLine($"Processing data package with {packageResult.Rows.Count} rows");


Processing data package with 10000 rows
Processing data package with 10000 rows
Processing data package with 10000 rows
Processing data package with 10000 rows
Processing data package with 10000 rows
Processing data package with 10000 rows
Processing data package with 10000 rows
Processing data package with 798 rows
Press enter to exit

Last update: January 2, 2024