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About the Licensing Concept of Xtract for Alteryx

The following licensing options are available for Xtract for Alteryx:

  • Desktop license for use with the Alteryx Designer
  • Server license for deployment on the Alteryx Server

A trial license is automatically installed with the installation of Xtract for Alteryx.
A regular license is provided in the customer portal - My Theobald Software after purchasing the product.

Install the Xtract for Alteryx License

Place the "XtractForAlteryxLicense.json" file that is provided in the Customer Portal - My Theobald Software into the installation directory on the server, e.g., C:\Program Files\XtractForAlteryx.



To inspect your current license data, click the About link located in each Xtract component.


Contact the sales department for information about available maintenance options.
In case of technical difficulties, contact our support.

Last update: June 24, 2024