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Output Formats

This page shows the which output formats are supported by the Xtract Hierarchy component. The output format can be selected in the settings of the Xtract Hierarchy component.

ParentChild Format

The default output of the Xtract Hierarchy component contains the following columns:

Column Description
NodeID Unique node key.
ParentNodeID Key for parent node.
FirstChildNodeID Key for first child node.
NextNodeID Key for next node in the same hierarchical level.
InfoObjectName Name of InfoObject behind the corresponding node.
NodeName The node’s (technical) name.
NodeText The description text of the node. This column is only created when Fetch description texts is active.
DateFrom Date from which the node is valid.
DateTo Date the node is valid to.
Link If the value in Link is greater than 0, the node is a link node. The ID of the original node that was linked from is displayed.
Row Number of the row. The row number can be used as an ID or sort criterion when processing the extracted data.




Natural Format

Column Description
LevelN Technical name of the node of the nth level. The number of levels is set in Level Count. The level count starts at level 0.
LevelTextN The description text of the nth level's node. This column is only created when Description texts for levels is active.
InfoObjectName Name of InfoObject behind the node of the highest level.
NodeName Technical name of the node of the highest level.
NodeText The description text of the node of the highest level. This column is only created when Fetch description texts is active.
DateFrom Date from which the node is valid
DateTo Date the node is valid to.
Link If the value in Link is greater than 0, the node is a link node. The ID of the original node that was linked from is displayed.
Row Number of the row. The row number can be used as an ID or sort criterion when processing the extracted data.




ParentChildWithNodeNames Format

Column Description
NodeID Unique node key.
NodeName The node’s (technical) name.
NodeText The description text of the node. This column is only created when Fetch description texts is active.
ParentNodeID Key for parent node.
ParentNodeName Name of the parent node.
InfoObjectName Name of InfoObject behind the corresponding node.
DateFrom Date from which the node is valid.
DateTo Date the node is valid to.
Link If the value in Link is greater than 0, the node is a link node. The ID of the original node that was linked from is displayed.
Row Number of the row. The row number can be used as an ID or sort criterion when processing the extracted data.




Last update: July 25, 2024