Working with LIKE operand in WHERE-Clauses
The following article shows how to use the LIKE operand in WHERE-Clauses of the Xtract Table component.
The LIKE operand represents a pattern using the following wildcard characters:
- "%" is any character string (including an empty string)
- "_" is any character
The pattern is case-sensitive. Trailing blanks in operands are ignored. This also applies in particular to operands of the type string with trailing blanks that are otherwise respected in ABAP.
WHERE-Condition | Description |
MSEG~MJAHR LIKE '20__' | Filter back all fiscal years of the table column MSEG~MJAHR that start with 20. |
MSEG~MBLNR LIKE '0049%' | Filters all records of the table column MSEG~MBLNR that return the Number of Material Document starting with the value 0049. |
BKPF~BUKRS LIKE '__1_' | Filters all records that have a 1 in the third digit of the value for the company code (BKPF~BUKRS). |
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Last update: February 28, 2024