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Latest News

  • BI Notification Server is Deprecated

    The BI Notification Server tool that is delivered as part of the Xtract IS setup is now marked as deprecated. The tool will be removed from the setup by the end of 2024.


  • SAP Note 3255746: Unpermitted Usage of ODP

    We are aware of the issue surrounding the SAP Note 3255746. For information on how to handle this matter, refer to our Blog post from July 2024.


  • New Version Numbers

    The version numbers in the changelog now incorporate the release date of the software, e.g., 2024.7.23.1 instead of The setup now checks for breaking changes.


  • Welcome to the Xtract IS HelpCenter

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    Try the search bar, browse our user documentation or take a look at our knowledge base.


  • Table CDC: Timestamps in Extraction Results

    Triggers now add a timestamp in the format (yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mm:ss.FFF) to the extraction results of Table CDC. The timestamps are available in the column TS_TIMESTAMP.


Last update: June 7, 2024