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Log Access via Web Service

The following contains the documentation of deprecated API calls.

Basic URL

The basic URL for web calls uses the following format: [protocol]://[host or IP address]:[port]/.
Make sure to use the correct protocol:

Protocol Syntax Example
HTTP http://[host].[domain]:[port] http://todd.theobald.local:8065
HTTP http://[host]:[port] http://localhost:8065
HTTPS https://[host].[domain]:[port] https://todd.theobald.local:8165
Requires a dedicated host name and X.509 certificate, see web server settings.


Make sure to use the correct ports, see Server Ports.

Before Version 6.0.0

Query all Logs

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=all Returns all extraction and server logs.


Server logs files are deleted after a defined period of days, see Server Setting - Web Server.


The web call returns the following information:

  • LineCount: row number of the log entry.
  • Name: name of the extraction / name of the server.
  • Timestamp: timestamp of the extraction or server log.
  • State: returns a number between 2 and 4 for a server extraction or the number 5 for a server log, see table below.
  • StateDescr: description of the state, see table below.
  • LogLevel: type of the log ("Error", "Info" "Warning" or "Debug").
  • Source technical name of the component that generates the log info.
  • Message: content of the log.
State StateDescr Description
2 Running The extraction is running.
3 FinishedNoErrors Extraction succeeded without errors.
4 FinishedErrors Extraction is finished with at least one error.
5 NotAvailable The status for a server log.

For information on how to read extractions logs, see Extraction Logs.


Example URLExample Response
1,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:23.941,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Product version
2,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:23.942,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Using Theobald.Extractors Interface
3,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:23.999,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Theobald.Extractors version
4,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:23.999,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Executing Table extraction
1,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:10.208,5,NotAvailable,Warning,VersionStore,Configuration was created by a development build. This can lead to unexpected behaviour.
2,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:10.258,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Trying to listen on [::]:8065...
3,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:10.258,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Listening on [::]:8065
4,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:23.353,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Client [::1]:51531 connected

Query Logs at Specific Timestamps

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=all&timestamp=[yyyy-MM-dd] Returns all logs of the specified date.
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=all&timestamp=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns all logs of the specified timestamp.
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=all&min=[yyyy-MM-dd] Returns all logs after the specified date.
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=all&min=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns all logs after the specified timestamp.
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=all&max=[yyyy-MM-dd] Returns all logs before the specified date.
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=all&max=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns all logs before the specified timestamp.
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=all&min=[yyyy-MM-dd]&max=[yyyy-MM-dd] Returns all logs between two dates.
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=all&min=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS]&max=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns all logs between two timestamps.
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=all&past_days=[number_of_days] Returns all logs since n days.


The web call returns the following information:

  • LineCount: row number of the log entry.
  • Name: name of the extraction / name of the server.
  • Timestamp: timestamp of the extraction or server log.
  • State: returns a number between 2 and 4 for a server extraction or the number 5 for a server log, see table below.
  • StateDescr: description of the state, see table below.
  • LogLevel: type of the log ("Error", "Info" "Warning" or "Debug").
  • Source technical name of the component that generates the log info.
  • Message: content of the log.
State StateDescr Description
2 Running The extraction is running.
3 FinishedNoErrors Extraction succeeded without errors.
4 FinishedErrors Extraction is finished with at least one error.
5 NotAvailable The status for a server log.

For information on how to read extractions logs, see Reading Extraction Logs.


Example URLExample Response
1,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:23.941,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Product version
2,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:23.942,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Using Theobald.Extractors Interface
3,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:23.999,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Theobald.Extractors version
4,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:23.999,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Executing Table extraction
1,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:10.208,5,NotAvailable,Warning,VersionStore,Configuration was created by a development build. This can lead to unexpected behaviour.
2,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:10.258,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Trying to listen on [::]:8065...
3,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:10.258,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Listening on [::]:8065
4,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:23.353,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Client [::1]:51531 connected
22,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:24.500,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,TheoReadTableExtractor,Data will be extracted in dialog work process
23,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:24.501,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,TheoReadTableExtractor,"Fetching packages (50,000 rows per package)"
24,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:24.653,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,TheoReadTableExtractor,Z_THEO_READ_TABLE version 1.x
25,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:24.653,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,TheoReadTableExtractor,Received package #1 (1 rows)
26,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:24.657,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Starting to write 1 rows to destination...
27,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:24.668,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Finished writing rows to destination
28,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:24.712,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,TheoReadTableExtractor,Extraction finished - received 1 rows in total
29,MAKT,2023-02-20_09:49:24.714,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,LiveDataExtraction,Writing results to destination completed
6,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:24.802,5,NotAvailable,Debug,ProcessAsync,Theobald.Xu.Web.Worker.exe (16240) exited with 0x0 - The operation completed successfully
7,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:36.257,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Client [::1]:51533 connected
8,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:36.262,5,NotAvailable,Debug,ProcessAsync,Theobald.Xu.Web.Worker.exe (16368) started

Query all Server Logs

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=server Returns a list of timestamps that correspond to server logs.


The web call returns timestamps in the format [yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS].
Use the timestamps to query the content of the logs, see Query Server Logs at a Specific Timestamp.


Server log files are deleted after a defined period of days, see Server Setting - Web Server.


Example URLExample Response

Query Server Logs at Specific Timestamps

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=server&timestamp=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns the server logs of the specified timestamp.


Query timestamps that correspond to server logs, see Query all Server Logs.
To query server logs before, after or between timestamps, see Query Logs at Specific Timestamps.


Server log files are deleted after a defined period of days, see Server Setting - Web Server.


The web call returns the following information:

  • LineCount: row number of the log entry.
  • Name: name of the server.
  • Timestamp: timestamp of the server log.
  • State: returns the number 5 to indicate that the log is a server log.
  • StateDescr: description of the state.
  • LogLevel: type of the log ("Error", "Info" "Warning" or "Debug").
  • Source technical name of the component that generates the log info.
  • Message: content of the log.


Example URLExample Response
1,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:10.258,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Trying to listen on [::]:8065... 
2,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:10.258,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Listening on [::]:8065 
3,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:23.353,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Client [::1]:51531 connected 
4,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:23.372,5,NotAvailable,Debug,ProcessAsync,Theobald.Xu.Web.Worker.exe (16240) started 
5,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:24.802,5,NotAvailable,Debug,ProcessAsync,Theobald.Xu.Web.Worker.exe (16240) exited with 0x0 - The operation completed successfully 
6,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:36.257,5,NotAvailable,Info,AsyncTcpServer,Client [::1]:51533 connected 
7,[server],2023-02-20_09:49:36.262,5,NotAvailable,Debug,ProcessAsync,Theobald.Xu.Web.Worker.exe (16368) started

Query a List of all Defined Extractions

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/extractions Returns a list of all defined extractions.
http(s)://[host]:[port]/config/extractions/ Returns a list of all defined extractions with more details and in JSON format.


The web calls return the following information:

  • Name: name of the extraction.
  • Type: extraction type, e.g., Table, Report, ODP, etc.
  • Source: name of the SAP source connection.
  • Destination: name of the destination.
  • LastRun: timestamp of the last execution.
  • RowCount: number of the last extracted data records.
  • LastChange: timestamp of the last change.
  • Created: timestamp of the creation.


Example URLExample Response
            "name": "MAKT",
            "type": "Table",
            "source": "ec5",
            "destination": "csv",
            "latestRun": {
                "started": "20221215T133008.921Z",
                "duration": "PT00H00M02.850S",
                "rowsCount": 177318,
                "state": "FinishedNoErrors"
            "lastChange": {
                "machine": "SHERRI",
                "user": "alice",
                "timestamp": "20230215T134938.401Z"
            "created": {
                "machine": "SHERRI",
                "user": "alice",
                "timestamp": "20221212T083927.407Z"

Query a Specific Extraction at a Specific Timestamp

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log/?req_type=extraction&name=[extraction_name]&timestamp=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns detailed logs of the specified extraction at the specified timestamp.


Query the timestamp of the last run of an extraction as described in Query a List of all Defined Extractions or query timestamps using the logs as described in Query all Logs.


The web call returns the following information:

  • LineCount: row number of the log entry.
  • Name: name of the extraction.
  • Timestamp: timestamp of the extraction.
  • State: returns a number between 2 and 4 for a server extraction, see table below.
  • StateDescr: description of the state, see table below.
  • LogLevel: type of the log ("Error", "Info" "Warning" or "Debug").
  • Source technical name of the component that generates the log info.
  • Message: content of the log.
State StateDescr Description
2 Running The extraction is running.
3 FinishedNoErrors Extraction succeeded without errors.
4 FinishedErrors Extraction is finished with at least one error.

For information on how to read extractions logs, see Extraction Logs.


Example URLExample Response
1,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:33.765,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Product version
2,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:33.766,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Using Theobald.Extractors Interface
3,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:33.817,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Theobald.Extractors version
4,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:33.817,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Executing Table extraction
5,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:33.882,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,LiveDataExtraction,Found license.
6,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:33.930,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,R3ConnectorServerWindows,'Use SAPGUI' expert option is disabled
7,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:33.931,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,R3ConnectorServerWindows,"Connecting to SAP application server, using Classic RFC SDK"
8,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:33.931,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,R3ConnectorServerWindows,"Client '800',  language 'EN'"
9,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:33.931,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,R3ConnectorServerWindows,"User ALICE, Password has been provided"
10,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:33.931,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,R3ConnectorServerWindows,Using plain authentication
11,makt,2023-02-21_11:04:34.291,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,R3ConnectorServerWindows,"Connected to SAP host '', instance 00, release 740, codepage 4103, user 'ALICE'"

Query the Extraction Status

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/status/?name=[extraction_name]&timestamp=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns the status of the specified extraction at the specified timestamp.

Follow the steps below to create a status check routine:

  1. Run your extraction in asynchronous mode using the following URL schema:
    The asynchronous extraction immediately returns an HTTP-response, while the extraction is still running. For more information on how to trigger extractions, see Execute and Automate - Call via Webservice.
  2. Copy the timestamp that is returned in the HTTP-response header and body of the asynchronous extraction.
    Example: X-XU-Timestamp: 2023-01-28_09:58:47.312.
  3. Use the extraction name and the timestamp to query the status of the extraction using the following URL schema:
  4. The status of an extraction changes in time. Query the status of the extraction in a loop to trigger follow-up actions once the extraction is finished.


Triggering an extraction in asynchronous mode and querying the extraction status is only possible with push-destinations, e.g.s databases or file destinations.


The web call returns one of the following statuses:

State Description
Running The extraction is running.
FinishedNoErrors Extraction succeeded without errors.
FinishedErrors Extraction is finished with at least one error.


Example URLExample Response

Before Version 6.3.0

Query All Server Logs

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log?req_type=server Returns a list of timestamps that correspond to server logs.


The web call returns timestamps in the format [yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS].
Use the timestamps to query the content of the server logs, see Query Server Logs at Specific Timestamps.


Server log files are deleted after a defined period of days, see Server Setting - Web Server.


Example URLExample Response

Query Server Logs at Specific Timestamps

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log?req_type=server&timestamp=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns the server logs of the specified timestamp.


Query timestamps of all server logs, see Query All Server Logs or query timestamps that correspond to an extraction run, see Query Extraction Runs of a Specific Extraction.


Server log files are deleted after a defined period of days, see Server Setting - Web Server.


The web call returns the following information:

  • LineCount: row number of the log entry.
  • Name: name of the server.
  • Timestamp: timestamp of the server log.
  • State: returns the number 5 to indicate that the log is a server log.
  • StateDescr: description of the state.
  • LogLevel: type of the log ("Error", "Info" "Warning" or "Debug").
  • Source technical name of the component that generates the log info.
  • Message: content of the log.


Example URLExample Response
1,[server],2023-09-06_08:38:12.519,5,NotAvailable,Info,XtractWebServer,Client [fe80::d3ac:77ba:ce0f:83b1%8]:54421
2,[server],2023-09-06_08:38:12.823,5,NotAvailable,Info,XtractWebServer,Request URI: http://sherri.theobald.local:8065/?name=MARA&quiet-push=true
3,[server],2023-09-06_08:38:17.458,5,NotAvailable,Info,RunParameter,Parameter 'quiet-push' overriden (new value: 'true')
4,[server],2023-09-06_08:38:17.553,5,NotAvailable,Info,XtractWebServer,Running Table extraction 'MARA'...

Query a List of all Defined Extractions

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/config/extractions/ Returns a list of all defined extractions with more details and in JSON format.


The web calls return the following information:

  • Name: name of the extraction.
  • Type: extraction type, e.g., Table, Report, ODP, etc.
  • Source: name of the SAP source connection.
  • Destination: name of the destination.
  • LastRun: timestamp of the last execution.
  • RowCount: number of the last extracted data records.
  • LastChange: timestamp of the last change.
  • Created: timestamp of the creation.


Example URLExample Response
            "name": "MAKT",
            "type": "Table",
            "source": "ec5",
            "destination": "csv",
            "latestRun": {
                "started": "20221215T133008.921Z",
                "duration": "PT00H00M02.850S",
                "rowsCount": 177318,
                "state": "FinishedNoErrors"
            "lastChange": {
                "machine": "SHERRI",
                "user": "alice",
                "timestamp": "20230215T134938.401Z"
            "created": {
                "machine": "SHERRI",
                "user": "alice",
                "timestamp": "20221212T083927.407Z"

Query Extraction Runs of a Specific Extraction

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log?req_type=extraction&name=[extractionname] Returns information and timestamps of extractions runs of the specified extraction.


The web call returns timestamps in the format [yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS].
Use the timestamps to query the content of the extraction logs.

The web call returns the following information:

  • Timestamp: timestamp of the extraction.
  • State: returns a number between 2 and 4 for a server extraction or the number 5 for a server log, see table below.
  • StateDescr: description of the state, see table below.
  • RequestID: ID that is specific to ODP extractions.
  • RowCount number of the last extracted data records.
  • WebLog: timestamp of the corresponding server log.


Example URLExample Response

Query a Specific Extraction at a Specific Timestamp

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/log?req_type=extraction&name=[extractionname]&timestamp=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns extraction logs of the specified extraction at the specified timestamp.


Query the timestamp of extraction runs of a specific extraction, see Query Extraction Runs of a Specific Extraction.
Query the timestamp of the last extraction run, see Query a List of all Defined Extractions.


The web call returns the following information:

  • LineCount: row number of the log entry.
  • Name: name of the extraction / name of the server.
  • Timestamp: timestamp of the extraction or server log.
  • State: returns a number between 2 and 4 for a server extraction, see table below.
  • StateDescr: description of the state, see table below.
  • LogLevel: type of the log ("Error", "Info" "Warning" or "Debug").
  • Source technical name of the component that generates the log info.
  • Message: content of the log.
State StateDescr Description
2 Running The extraction is running.
3 FinishedNoErrors Extraction succeeded without errors.
4 FinishedErrors Extraction is finished with at least one error.

For information on how to read extractions logs, see Reading Extraction Logs.


Example URLExample Response
1,KNA1,2023-09-08_10:43:13.241,3,FinishedNoErrors,Debug,Table,Attempting to load Theobald.Extractors.Table.TableExtractionDefinition information for extraction KNA1
2,KNA1,2023-09-08_10:43:13.465,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,Table,Starting extraction without cache.
3,KNA1,2023-09-08_10:43:13.465,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,TheoReadTableExtractor,Starting extraction - using function module Z_THEO_READ_TABLE
4,KNA1,2023-09-08_10:43:13.465,3,FinishedNoErrors,Info,TheoReadTableExtractor,Extracting table KNA1

Query the Extraction Status

URL Description
http(s)://[host]:[port]/status/?name=[extractionname]&timestamp=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns the status of the specified extraction at the specified timestamp.

Follow the steps below to create a status check routine:

  1. Run your extraction in asynchronous mode using the following URL schema:
    The asynchronous extraction immediately returns an HTTP-response, while the extraction is still running. For more information on how to trigger extractions, see Execute and Automate - Call via Webservice.
  2. Copy the timestamp that is returned in the HTTP-response header of the asynchronous extraction.
    Example: X-XU-Timestamp: 2023-01-28_09:58:47.312.
  3. Use the extraction name and the timestamp to query the status of the extraction using the following URL schema:
  4. The status of an extraction changes in time. Query the status of the extraction in a loop to trigger follow-up actions once the extraction is finished.


Triggering an extraction in asynchronous mode and querying the extraction status is only possible with push-destinations, e.g.s databases or file destinations.


The web call returns the following information:

  • Duration: duration of the extraction run.
  • rowCount: number of extracted rows.
  • State: returns the status of the extraction run.
  • WebLog Timestamp: timestamp of the corresponding server log.
State Description
Running The extraction is running.
FinishedNoErrors Extraction succeeded without errors.
FinishedErrors Extraction is finished with at least one error.


Example URLExample Response

Last update: June 7, 2024