This section contains a list of troubleshooting articles that show you how to solve common errors.
SAP - Troubleshooting
- Allow external access to BW Queries
- Authority Check Trace
- DeltaQ Customizing - PORT_CREATION_ERROR
- ERROR service ‚?‘ unknown or service sapms unknown
- Error: Theobald.Extractors.Table.TheoReadTableException: The parser produced the error
- Error while retrieving metadata for BAPI
- Error with Table extractions: Theobald.Extractors.Table.TheoReadTableException: Length of the field "ABCD" not valid. Given length is 00000x . Length in SAP is 00000y
- MDX parser does not start
- Missing SAP authority rights for data replication.
- Non-Unicode destinations are not supported by SAP
- No more storage space available for extending an internal table
- OPTION_NOT_VALID running table extractions error after an SAP Update
- RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE - A table or alias name in the FROM clause is not unique
- RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE - Illegal access to the right table of a LEFT OUTER JOIN.
- SAP Query Metadata/result mismatch
- Search for new Tables and/or Table extractions are empty
- SM59 RFC - Connection Test fails
- Theobald.Extractors.Table.TheoReadTableException: Waiting for package to be written to shared memory has timed out.
- When running a report a CNTL_ERROR exception is raised
- Wrong program type for SUBMIT
- Xtract Report - Screen output without connection to user
- Xtract Table - RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE - An error has occurred while parsing a dynamic entry
- Xtract Table - Time Limit Exceeded
Xtract Universal - Troubleshooting
- Authentication failed: The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized
- Copy Command for Snowflake Destination failing / TheoReadTableException: An error occured in PROCESS_PACKAGE callback
- Insert Statement failed for empty values using Snowflake Destination
- Key not valid for use in specified state
- No more storage space available for extending an internal table
- Table Export Parameter missing for BAPI Extraction Type
- The certificate for the remote host could not be validated
- The remote host's name did not match the name on the provided certificate
DeltaQ - Troubleshooting
- Customizing check fails for reasons unrelated to missing authority objects
- ERPConnect.CommunicationException: RfcListenAndDispatch failed ( RFC_SERIALIZATION_FAILURE )
- Error after SAP system upgrade
- Error in Data Selection
- Error when opening an RFC connection - CM_ALLOCATE_FAILURE_RETRY
- Error when opening an RFC connection - IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS and RSAR_TRFC_DATA_RECEIVED
- Initialization requirements have not been completed
- Not Authorized for XXX
- No job found in SAP
- Output contains crippled characters, e.g., non-latin characters
- SM59 RFC - Connection Test fails
- SSIS Package Connection Manager with parallel DeltaQ extractions
- Timeout "No progress for n seconds, but data is not complete yet."
Last update: March 7, 2025