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img This section contains a list of all API endpoints that are available for Xtract Universal.

Xtract Universal offers a web API that allows running extractions and querying meta information and extraction logs from Xtract Universal through web calls. The web API returns the result as an http-json stream.

Base URL

The basic URL for web calls uses the following format: [protocol]://[host or IP address]:[port]/.


Protocol Syntax Example
HTTP http://[host].[domain]:[port] http://sherri.theobald.local:8065
HTTP http://[host]:[port] http://localhost:8065
HTTPS https://[host].[domain]:[port] https://sherri.theobald.local:8165
Requires a dedicated host name and X.509 certificate, see web server settings.


Make sure to use the correct ports, see Server Ports.

Run Extractions


Runs the specified extraction.


Runs the specified extraction asynchronously and returns the run status immediately.


If the extraction is located inside an extraction group, the name of the extraction group is part of the extraction name. Example: The extraction "KNA1" in the extraction group "S4HANA" becomes S4HANA,KNA1.


Deprecated Endpoints:

  • [protocol]://[host]:[port]/?name=[extraction_name] becomes [protocol]://[host]:[port]/run/[extraction_name]
  • [protocol]://[host]:[port]/?name=[extraction_name]&wait=false becomes [protocol]://[host]:[port]/start/[extraction_name]


The response of the web service call contains the following information:

Response Description
HTTP status code The HTTP status code 200 indicates a successful extraction call. It does not indicate a successful execution of the extraction.
The HTTP status code 404 indicates that the called extraction does not exist. Detailed information can be found in the log of the web service.
HTTP header Shows the timestamp of the extraction in the HTTP header e.g., X-XU-Timestamp: 2021-04-09_19:03:09.971
HTTP response body The Response in the HTTP body depends on the destination type of the extraction. Depending on the destination type, the extracted data is returned in either CSV or JSON format.

Webservice Call pull

Parameters for /start/[extraction_name]

Parameter Description
&[parameter1_name]=[value] Runs the specified extraction and passes values to the specified extraction parameters.
&quiet-push=true Runs the specified extraction and suppresses the output of extraction logs for push destinations. This parameter has no effect on pull destinations and asynchronous extractions.


You can use the UI in the "Run Extraction" menu to generate a URL for extraction runs, see Run Extractions.


800,0000000313,DE,zdemo customer zr,
800,0000001832,IN,cus 3,
800,0000001834,IN,52 CUSTOMER,
800,0000005002,JP,One time customer,
800,0000011113,DE,Myers Corp.,
800,0000011114,DE,Watson & Watson,
800,0000100026,DE,Reference Customer for Internet,
800,0000200000,IN,MA Reddy Customer,
800,0000200001,IN,SD Customer,
800,0000200002,IN,SMR Customer,
800,0000300320,GB,Customer 1,
800,0000300430,DE,testcompany crm,
800,0000300735,US,OTHER MASS,
800,0000300736,US,OTHER GROCRY,
800,0000300737,US,OTHER CONVENIENCE,
800,0000300738,US,OTHER MILITARY,
800,0000300739,US,OTHER FOOD,
800,0000000779,DE,Theobald Software,Stuttgart"

Abort Extractions


Aborts all running extractions that use the specified extraction name. If the abortion is successful, a confirmation message is returned in the HTTP body.


If the extraction is located inside an extraction group, the name of the extraction group is part of the extraction name.
Example: The extraction "KNA1" in the extraction group "S4HANA" becomes S4HANA,KNA1.

Parameters and Options for /stop/[extraction_name]

Parameter Description
/[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Only aborts the extraction with the specified extraction name and the specified timestamp.


The following endpoint is still supported, but can be replaced by /stop/[extraction_name]/[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS]:


Aborts the latest run of the specified extraction. If the abortion is successful, a confirmation message is returned in the HTTP body.


Extraction cancellation succeeded.

Get Status of an Extraction


Returns the status of a (running) extraction at the specified timestamp.


If the extraction is located inside an extraction group, the name of the extraction group is part of the extraction name.
Example: The extraction "KNA1" in the extraction group "S4HANA" becomes S4HANA,KNA1.


The timestamp corresponds to the startedAt element returned by [protocol]://[host]:[port]/config/extractions/ or [protocol]://[host]:[port]/logs/extractions/[extraction-name]. If an extraction is triggered by an http request, the extraction's timestamp is returned in the field X-XU-Timestamp of the http request's response header.


State Description
Running The extraction is running.
FinishedNoErrors The extraction is finished without errors.
FinishedErrors The extraction is finished, but with at least one error.



Get Extraction Logs


Returns a list of extraction runs.


The result contains the following elements:

Item Description
extractionName name of the extraction (if the extraction is located inside an extraction group, the name of the extraction group is part of the extraction name, e.g., the extraction "KNA1" in the extraction group "S4HANA" becomes S4HANA,KNA1)
runs contains rowCount, duration, state, webServerLog and startedAt of extraction runs
row count number of extracted data records
duration duration of the execution
state status of the extraction (Running, FinishedNoErrors, FinishedErrors)
webServerLog timestamp of the corresponding server log
startedAt timestamp of the execution

Parameters & Options for /logs/extractions

Parameter Description
?min=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns the extraction runs after the specified date and time.
?max=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns the extraction runs before the specified date and time.
/[extraction-name] Returns all extraction runs of the specified extraction.
/[extraction-name]/[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns the extraction run of the specified extraction with the specified timestamp.
/[extraction-name]/[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS]/log Returns the extraction log of the specified extraction with the specified timestamp.


For information on how to interpret logs, see Logs.


        "extractionName": [
        "runs": [
                "rowCount": 53,
                "duration": "PT00H00M00.541S",
                "state": "FinishedNoErrors",
                "webServerLog": "2024-05-31_07:19:36.156",
                "startedAt": "2024-05-31_07:19:37.006"
        "extractionName": [
        "runs": [
                "rowCount": 12036,
                "duration": "PT00H00M00.584S",
                "state": "FinishedNoErrors",
                "startedAt": "2024-06-12_08:56:28.066"
        "extractionName": [
        "runs": [
                "rowCount": 10071,
                "duration": "PT00H00M03.753S",
                "state": "FinishedNoErrors",
                "webServerLog": "2024-04-12_11:10:59.505",
                "startedAt": "2024-04-12_11:11:57.977"
                "rowCount": 0,
                "duration": "PT00H00M03.068S",
                "state": "FinishedErrors",
                "webServerLog": "2024-05-31_07:20:06.041",
                "startedAt": "2024-05-31_07:20:06.840"
    "runs": [
            "rowCount": 10071,
            "duration": "PT00H00M03.753S",
            "state": "FinishedNoErrors",
            "webServerLog": "2024-04-12_11:10:59.505",
            "startedAt": "2024-04-12_11:11:57.977"
            "rowCount": 0,
            "duration": "PT00H00M03.068S",
            "state": "FinishedErrors",
            "webServerLog": "2024-05-31_07:20:06.041",
            "startedAt": "2024-05-31_07:20:06.840"
    "rowCount": 10071,
    "duration": "PT00H00M03.753S",
    "state": "FinishedNoErrors",
    "webServerLog": "2024-04-12_11:10:59.505",
    "startedAt": "2024-04-12_11:11:57.977"
    "rowCount": 10071,
    "duration": "PT00H00M03.753S",
    "state": "FinishedNoErrors",
    "webServerLog": "2024-04-12_11:10:59.505",
    "startedAt": "2024-04-12_11:11:57.977",
    "logEntries": [
            "timestamp": "2024-04-12_11:11:58.080",
            "logLevel": "Info",
            "source": "Table",
            "message": "Xtract Universal server version:"
            "timestamp": "2024-04-12_11:11:58.157",
            "logLevel": "Debug",
            "source": "Table",
            "message": "Attempting to load Theobald.Extractors.Table.TableExtractionDefinition information for extraction KNA1"

            "timestamp": "2024-04-12_11:12:01.728",
            "logLevel": "Debug",
            "source": "Table",
            "message": "Wrapping up extractor."
            "timestamp": "2024-04-12_11:12:01.730",
            "logLevel": "Info",
            "source": "Table",
            "message": "Extraction finished with status FinishedNoErrors."
            "timestamp": "2024-04-12_11:12:01.730",
            "logLevel": "Debug",
            "source": "Table",
            "message": "Writing run information."
            "timestamp": "2024-04-12_11:12:01.736",
            "logLevel": "Info",
            "source": "Table",
            "message": "Extraction run information was updated."

Get Server Logs


Returns a list of timestamps that correspond to server logs.

Parameters & Options for /logs/web

Parameter Description
?min=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns the timestamps of server logs after the specified date and time.
?max=[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns the timestamps of server logs before the specified date and time.
/[yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS] Returns the server log entries with the specified timestamp.


For information on how to interpret logs, see Logs.


            "timestamp": "2024-06-20_13:21:43.707",
            "logLevel": "Info",
            "source": "WebServerHandler",
            "message": "Client [fe80::d3ac:77ba:ce0f:83b1%8]:56863"
            "timestamp": "2024-06-20_13:21:43.817",
            "logLevel": "Debug",
            "source": "HttpServer",
            "message": "Reading..."
            "timestamp": "2024-06-20_13:21:43.852",
            "logLevel": "Info",
            "source": "HttpServer",
            "message": "Processing /logs/extractions/S4HANA,KNA1."



Get Software Version


Returns the software version of the Xtract Universal server installation in JSON format.


  "version": ""

Get Destination Details


Returns a list of all defined destinations. For a list of extractions with a specific destination, see Get Extraction Details.

The result contains the following elements:

Item Description
name name of the target connection
type connection type
host host name, if applicable
port port name, if applicable
database database name, if applicable
user user name in the connection, if applicable
schema schema name, if applicable
directory directory name, if applicable



Get Extraction Details


Returns a list of all defined extractions in JSON format.


The result contains the following elements:

Item Description
name name of the extraction (if the extraction is located inside an extraction group, the name of the extraction group is part of the extraction name, e.g., the extraction "KNA1" in the extraction group "S4HANA" becomes S4HANA,KNA1)
type extraction type
sapObject name of the extracted SAP object
source name of the source connection
destination name of the target environment
latestRun contains rowCount, duration, state and startedAt of the latest extraction run
rowCount number of the last extracted data records
duration duration of the last execution
state status of the extraction (Running, FinishedNoErrors, FinishedErrors)
startedAt timestamp of the last execution
created contains machine, timestamp and user of when the extraction was created
machine machine on which the extraction was created
timestamp timestamp of the creation
user user that created the extraction
lastChange contains machine, timestamp and user of when the extraction was last changed
machine machine on which the extraction was last changed
timestamp timestamp of the last change
user user that last changed the extraction

Parameters & Options for /config/extractions

Parameter Description
/[extraction_name]/parameters Returns a list of runtime parameters used in the specified extraction. Every extraction has a set of Extraction, Source and Custom extraction parameters. The parameters are available in the "Run Extraction" window.
/[extraction_name]/result-columns Returns the result columns of an extraction.
/[extraction_name]/result-name Returns the name that is used by the extracted SAP data in the target environment. Destinations without output objects return the the HTTP status code 500.
?destinationType=[destination] Returns a list of extractions that write into a specific destination.


Data fields that contain dates have the data type ConvertedDate if the option Date Conversion in the Destination Settings is active. If inactive, the data type is StringLengthMax with a length of 8 (Date).


            "name": [
            "type": "DeltaQ",
            "technicalName": "0MATERIAL_ATTR",
            "source": "saperp",
            "destination": "GoogleCloudStorage",
            "latestRun": {
                "rowCount": 20275,
                "duration": "PT00H00M13.383S",
                "state": "FinishedNoErrors",
                "startedAt": "2023-08-17_11:24:07.770"
            "created": {
                "machine": "TODD",
                "timestamp": "20221005T080618.544Z",
                "user": "THEOBALD\\steffan"
            "lastChange": {
                "machine": "SHERRI",
                "timestamp": "20240129T131530.701Z",
                "user": "THEOBALD\\alice"
            "name": [
            "type": "DeltaQ",
            "technicalName": "0COSTCENTER_0101_HIER",
            "source": "saperp",
            "destination": "csv",
            "latestRun": {
                "rowCount": 200,
                "duration": "PT00H00M00.114S",
                "state": "FinishedNoErrors",
                "startedAt": "2023-08-17_11:31:44.029"
            "created": {
                "machine": "SHERRI",
                "timestamp": "20230815T114651.045Z",
                "user": "THEOBALD\\alice"
            "lastChange": {
                "machine": "SHERRI",
                "timestamp": "20230817T113328.786Z",
                "user": "THEOBALD\\alice"
            "name": "BW,2LIS",
            "type": "ODP",
            "sapObject": "2LIS_11_VAITM",
            "source": "bw2",
            "destination": "sqlserver",
            "latestRun": {
                "rowCount": 59058,
                "duration": "PT00H00M30.593S",
                "state": "FinishedNoErrors",
                "webServerLog": "2024-05-22_06:44:30.412",
                "startedAt": "2024-05-22_06:44:30.855"
            "created": {
                "machine": "SHERRI",
                "timestamp": "20240522T095026.285Z",
                "user": "THEOBALD\\schipka"
            "lastChange": {
                "machine": "SHERRI",
                "timestamp": "20240529T102008.256Z",
                "user": "THEOBALD\\schipka"
            "name": "ignoreCache",
            "description": "Ignore the result cache",
            "type": "Flag",
            "default": "False"
            "name": "preview",
            "description": "Enable/disable preview mode",
            "type": "Flag",
            "default": "False"
            "name": "source",
            "description": "Sets the name of the source",
            "type": "Text",
            "default": "ec5"
            "name": "destination",
            "description": "Sets the name of the destination",
            "type": "Text",
            "default": "csv"
            "name": "rows",
            "description": "Maximum number of rows",
            "type": "Number",
            "default": "0"
            "name": "whereClause",
            "description": "Where Clause",
            "type": "Text",
            "default": null
            "name": "packageSize",
            "description": "Package Size",
            "type": "Number",
            "default": "50000"
            "name": "lang",
            "description": "Logon Language",
            "type": "Text",
            "default": "EN"
            "name": "KUNNR",
            "description": "Customer Number",
            "type": "StringLengthMax",
            "length": 10,
            "isPrimaryKey": true,
            "isEncrypted": false,
            "referenceField": "",
            "referenceTable": ""
            "name": "LAND1",
            "description": "Country Key",
            "type": "StringLengthMax",
            "length": 3,
            "isPrimaryKey": false,
            "isEncrypted": false,
            "referenceField": "",
            "referenceTable": ""
            "name": "NAME1",
            "description": "Name 1",
            "type": "StringLengthMax",
            "length": 35,
            "isPrimaryKey": false,
            "isEncrypted": false,
            "referenceField": "",
            "referenceTable": ""
            "name": "ORT01",
            "description": "City",
            "type": "StringLengthMax",
            "length": 35,
            "isPrimaryKey": false,
            "isEncrypted": false,
            "referenceField": "",
            "referenceTable": ""
            "name": "Mean_UMSAT",
            "description": "Annual sales",
            "type": "Double",
            "isPrimaryKey": false,
            "isEncrypted": false,
            "referenceField": "UWAER",
            "referenceTable": "KNA1"

Last update: July 17, 2024