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Service Access

Service access control allows you to restrict user access to specific services, e.g., to temporarily disable users from using a service.
The service access settings are accessible for every service in the Services menu.

Restrict Access to Services

By default services inherit access restrictions from the server-level, see Global Access. Follow the steps below to further restrict access on the service-level:

  1. Navigate to the Services menu.
  2. Click next to the service you want to restrict access to. The service access settings of the service open.
  3. Set the Service Access to Custom, see Service Access .
  4. Assign a restriction level to existing users, see Privileges .
  5. Click [Save].

When running the service, you are now prompted to enter user credentials (basic authentication).


When access rights from the server and service levels differ, the more restrictive access right applies, e.g., a user with Read/Execute privilege on the server level cannot be upgraded to Modify on the service level. The Administrator privilege is the only privilege on the server level that cannot be downgraded on the service level.


Click [Reset permissions] to set all user rights to No Access.


To open the service access settings, click next to the service you want to restrict access to.


Service Access

Activate or deactivate further restrictions of existing global access rights for the selected service.

Service Access Description
Inherit If active, the global access rights apply to the service, see Global Access. Inherit is the default setting.
Custom If active, the access rights defined in the subsection Privileges apply to the service. Custom service restrictions do not affect users with global Server Admin rights.


All users defined in the Users menu are listed in the subsection Privileges.

Select a restriction level from the dropdown list next to the user name to assign a restriction level. The following restriction levels are available:

Restriction Level Description
Modify The user can read, run and modify the service.
Read / Execute The user can read and run the service.
No access The user can not access, modify, read or run the service.

Last update: June 4, 2024