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Connection Settings

This page contains an overview of the yunIO connection settings in the Connections menu. To open the connection settings of an existing SAP connection, click next to the connection.

The connection settings consist of the following subsections:

  • System defines how to reach your SAP system .
  • Authentication defines the login details of the SAP user .
  • Test Connection verifies the system and authentication data .



The input fields for the SAP connections vary depending on the connection method. yunIO supports the following connection methods to SAP systems:

Use the toggle to switch between the connection methods.

Input Field Description
Host Host name or IP address of the application server (Property Host).
Instance No A two-digit number between 00 and 99 (Property SystemNumber).
Client A three-digit number of the SAP client between 000 and 999, e.g., 800.
Language The logon language for the SAP system, e.g., EN for English or DE for German.
Input Field Description
Logon group Property LogonGroup, usually PUBLIC.
Message Server Name or IP address of the message server (Property MessageServer).
System ID Three-digit System ID (Property SID e.g., MSS).
Client A three-digit number of the SAP client between 000 and 999, e.g., 800.
Language The logon language for the SAP system, e.g., EN for English or DE for German.


The following authentication methods are supported:

  • Plain uses the SAP username and password of a system or dialogue user.
  • Secure Network Communication (SNC) uses the username and password provided via basic authentication. SNC enables authentication and transport encryption between SAP systems and third-party tools like yunIO.

Use the toggle to switch between the authentication methods.


Input Field Description
User SAP username.
Password Password of the SAP user.
Request credentials from callers when running services If this checkbox is active, SAP credentials are used to restrict service access. Any valid SAP credentials can be passed via Basic Authentication to allow access to a yunIO service.


To use Request credentials from callers when running services, the Anonymous Access option must be activated.

Input Field Description
SNC library path Complete path to the SAP cryptograhic library location, e.g., C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SecureLogin\lib\sapcrypto.dll.
SNC partner name SAP partner name configured for the SAP application server, e.g., p:SAPserviceERP/Alice@THEOBALD.LOCAL.

Test Connection

Clicking [Test Connection] validates the connection parameters. A window with a status message opens in the bottom right corner of the window.

Last update: July 25, 2024