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Sync SharePoint Custom Lists with SAP using Power Automate and yunIO

The following article shows how to synchronize SharePoint custom lists in near-real time with SAP.
In the following scenario, data from SharePoint is used to automatically create a purchase requisition in SAP. The newly created SAP purchase requisition number is then written back to SharePoint.


This article leads you through all necessary steps to set up the following process:

  • When a new purchase requisition is added to a SharePoint list, a Power Automate workflow is triggered. This process also works with other automation tools, e.g., Nintex.
  • The workflow uses the SharePoint data to run a yunIO service that creates a new purchase requisition in SAP.
  • When the purchase requisition is created in SAP, the new SAP purchase requisition number is written back to the SharePoint list.

Setup in yunIO

yunIO is the connector that reads and writes data from and to SAP. For more information on yunIO, see Theobald Software: yunIO.
Follow the steps below to set up a yunIO service that creates purchase requisitions in SAP:


The parameters that are needed to create purchase requisitions are dependent on your customized SAP settings.

  1. Create an SAP connection in yunIO.
  2. Create a service in yunIO. The depicted example uses the integration type Function Module for the service.
  3. Look up the standard BAPI, BAPI_PR_CREATE that creates purchase requisitions in SAP.
  4. Set the following import parameters to Supplied by Caller:

    Table Field Description
    PRHEADER Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Header
    PRHEADER PR_TYPE Order Type (Purchasing)
    PRHEADERX Change Parameter for Enjoy Purchase Requisition - Header
    PRHEADERX PR_TYPE Updated information in related user data field
  5. Set the following table parameters to Supplied by Caller:

    Table Field Description
    PRACCOUNT Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Acct Assignment
    PRACCOUNT PREQ_ITEM Item Number of Purchase Requisition
    PRACCOUNT SERIAL_NO Sequential Number of Account Assignment
    PRACCOUNTX Change Toolbar for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Account Assignment
    PRACCOUNTX PREQ_ITEM Item Number of Purchase Requisition
    PRACCOUNTX SERIAL_NO Sequential Number of Account Assignment
    PRACCOUNTX PREQ_ITEMX Updated information in related user data field
    PRACCOUNTX SERIAL_NOX Updated information in related user data field
    PRACCOUNTX GL_ACCOUNT Updated information in related user data field
    PRACCOUNTX COSTCENTER Updated information in related user data field
    PRITEM Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Item Data
    PRITEM PREQ_ITEM Item Number of Purchase Requisition
    PRITEM MATERIAL Material Number
    PRITEM QUANTITY Purchase Requisition Quantity
    PRITEM DELIV_DATE Item Delivery Date
    PRITEM ACCTASSCAT Account Assignment Category
    PRITEMX Change Parameter for Enjoy Purchase Requisition - Item Data
    PRITEM PREQ_ITEM Item Number of Purchase Requisition
    PRITEM PREQ_ITEMX Updated information in related user data field
    PRITEM MATERIAL Updated information in related user data field
    PRITEM PLANT Updated information in related user data field
    PRITEM QUANTITY Updated information in related user data field
    PRITEM DELIV_DATE Updated information in related user data field
    PRITEM ACCTASSCAT Updated information in related user data field
  6. Select the table RETURN for export. This table contains logs and error messages.

  7. Select the export parameter NUMBER for the output. This parameter contains the new SAP purchase requisition number that is written back to SharePoint.
  8. Activate the advanced setting Commits Transaction. If this option is active, the function module “BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT” is called after processing the selected Function Module / BAPI. BAPI_PR_CREATE require this commit function to successfully update data in the database.
  9. Click to testrun the service in yunIO . For more information, see Documentation: Run Services in yunIO.
  10. Click to download the service definition .

Setup in SharePoint

Create a SharePoint list that provides SAP-related fields. For this example, create the following columns:

  • Material
  • Plant
  • Quantity
  • Delivery Date
  • Cost Center
  • Purchase Requisition Number (when a purchase requisition number is created in SAP, it is written back to this column)


For more information on SharePoint lists, see Microsoft Documentation: Introduction to lists.


Defining other input parameters in SharePoint is optional as they can also be set as static values in Power Automate.


You can use a Power App form to simplify and validate the SharePoint input, see Using yunIO Services in Power Apps.

Setup in Power Automate

  1. Integrate the yunIO service created in Setup in yunIO as a Custom Connector in Power Automate, see Integrate a yunIO Service with Power Automate.
  2. Create a new workflow that is triggered when a new item is added to the SharePoint list.
  3. Add the yunIO connector created in step 1 to the workflow and map the purchase requisition data from SharePoint to the input parameters of yunIO.
  4. Make sure that the SharePoint input uses the right format, e.g., the delivery date must have the SAP format YYYYmmDD and the cost center must have 10 characters, including leading zeroes. For conversion tips and code templates, see Formats and Conversions in Power Automate.
  5. Add a SharePoint Update Item tool to write the purchase requisition number from the yunIO Custom Connector back to the SharePoint list.
  6. Optional: Send notifications when a purchase requisition is created.
  7. Turn on the workflow.

Trigger the Process

  1. Open SharePoint and add a new purchase requisition.
  2. The Power Automate workflow runs and creates the purchase requisition in SAP.
  3. Check if the SAP purchase requisition number is written back to SharePoint.

Last update: July 25, 2024