With yunIO, developers are furnished with an exceptional instrument for crafting applications tailored for SharePoint Online/Office 365 as well as other cloud-based or traditional environments.
yunIO is adaptable and accommodates applications developed in any programming language with the ability to interact with REST API.
The package incorporates a JavaScript library for REST.
For optimum results when developing with yunIO REST Services utilizing JavaScript, it is highly recommended to make use of our proprietary JavaScript library. This library streamlines client-side programming by encapsulating various yunIO-specific functionalities.
theobald.yunio.client.js theobald.yunio.sp.js
All examples
- theobald.yunio.combobox-api.button.html
- theobald.yunio.combobox-api.nintex-form.js
- theobald.yunio.vanillajs.table-service.html
- theobald.yunio.vanillajs.table-service.parametrizable-connection.html
- theobald.yunio.vanillajs.function-service.html
Basic calls with pure JavaScript
API interface for Combobox
Below is the primary API interface, elegantly designed for an intuitive experience:
controls: {
inputId: "",
selectId: "",
outputId: "",
descriptionId: "",
additionalInfoId: "",
buttonId: ""
tableSettings: {
serviceName: "KNA1_Service",
idField: "KUNNR",
// optional
descriptionField: "NAME1",
// optional
additionalInfoField: "NAME1",
// optional
languageField: "SPRAS",
// to be formatted as SPRAS = {0}
// Example: default LANG data type is 1 character!
language: "E"
searchOptions: {
// input
useUppercaseValuesForQueries: true,
// output
removeLeadingZerosFromNumbers: false,
// optional, add your constant where filter
// extraWhereConditions: "AND ENDDA LIKE '99991231'"
// translated strings (e.g., german: true)
// strings: null,
// preferably configured via service settings
// maxEntries: 5000,
// backend substitution for whereClause and whereClauseFormat
connection: {
url: "",
// timeout in milliseconds
timeout: 30000,
// API key implementation pending
// apiKey: "",
username: "",
password: ""
// useSharepointSettings: true